Oleksiy Pototskyy

Cloud Migration & Architecture Consultant | AI/ML Enthusiast | DevOps Architect | Technology & Digital Transformation Consultant | CaaS (CTO as a service)

20+ Years
of Experience

A seasoned IT professional with a rich history spanning over two decades in technology and systems innovation.

Multinational Project Leadership

Guided cross-border teams through complex IT initiatives, delivering solutions that align with global business strategies.

From Developer to
C-level positions

I have a career path that evolved from hands-on technical roles to executive leadership, driving strategic decision-making and organizational growth.

Educator and
Industry Influencer

I dedicated to sharing expertise through teaching and thought leadership, influencing the next generation of IT professionals and the broader industry.

What Services I'm Providing

Strategic leadership on demand. 
Gain access to the expertise of a CTO to guide your technology vision, product development, and IT strategy tailored to your business needs.

Navigate your journey to the cloud with confidence. 
Expert guidance on cloud architecture, seamless migration, and infrastructure optimization for scalability and performance.

Drive your digital evolution. Transformative strategies and innovative solutions to modernize operations, enhance customer experiences, and future-proof your business.

About Me

Grounded in over twenty years of IT experience, my career trajectory has seen a steady ascent from in-depth technical roles to strategic C-level leadership. I have orchestrated international projects, steered digital transitions, and shared knowledge as an educator and industry voice. 

My academic foundation is solid, with a Master’s Degree in Computer Science, complemented by professional certifications such as AWS Certified Solutions Architect and HashiCorp Terraform. I am also expanding my business acumen through a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Management, which I will commence via distance learning in February 2024, and am currently preparing for the CISSP certification.

My methodology merges technical prowess with a keen business sensibility, ensuring that the IT solutions I architect not only support but drive your business goals. I pride myself on a pragmatic approach, aligning technology with strategy for viable, long-term outcomes. Lifelong learning is at the core of my professional ethos, enabling me to keep your business at the cutting edge in an ever-evolving digital milieu.

Connect with me to transform your IT challenges into opportunities for growth.

Working Process

Discovery & Analysis: Understanding your unique needs and challenges.
Strategic Planning: Tailoring solutions for optimum impact.
Execution & Implementation: Bringing strategies to life with precision.
Review & Iterate: Continual refinement to ensure lasting success.

Brands I've Worked With

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